mortgage securitization audits - automobile
securitization audits foreclosure defense Bloomberg audits
In order to run a Bloomberg Audit we
need the following:
Name, address of property, original lender and servicer, loan
number, date loan was taken out, loan amount,
SS number of borrower, copy of original note if available.
Foreclosure Defense LLC.
9478 Boca River Circle
Boca Raton FL 33434
Email Us at
At county level, Bloomberg search with screen shots, and an
Affidavit by expert witness.
Bloomberg Securitization Complete Report Includes:
Securitization Details & Participants
Transactions Details & Participants
Copy of the Prospectus
Copy of Pooling and Servicing Agreement
Bloomberg Screenshots of the Trust, as well as other Actively
Training Information Including:
Description of the Security from Bloomberg
Deal Description
Structured Finance Notes Screen
Section Pertaining to Trust Credit Enhancements
Loan Level Detail Section including REMICS, CUSPS, Credit
Default Swap, Libor Index, Classes of Paid and Unpaid
MERS Analysis
Report Summary
Expert Witness Affidavit
Full Chain of Title Analysis
Full Robo-Signer Analysis
Full Assignment/Conveyance Analysis and Analysis of Indorsements
Entity Verification Analysis
Complete Report Summary
Expert Witness Affidavit (signed & notarized by a subject matter
Testimonials Click Here
Foreclosure Defense, LLC was founded in 2009 following the
collapse of the collapse of the financial markets. Foreclosure
Defense, LLC is dedicated to helping homeowners defend their
homes by modifying and litigating against the servicers and
securitized trusts which are the real party in interest.
Foreclosure Defense has offices in Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles,
and New York. The founder, Steven Bernstein, has a B.A., M.B.A.
, Law Degree and is a qualified expert witness and certified
forensic auditor (Bloomberg Certified ) who has performed over
10,000 hours and 450 forensic audits to date.
In addition, Mr. Bernstein has owned a mortgage company for 19
years, worked for one of the nation's largest lenders, has had a
real estate license for 28 years, and understands the
difficulties homeowners have in negotiating and modifying loans
with the self serving large banks. Mr. Bernstein travels across
to New York, California on a regular basis lecturing for
Certified Forensic Loan Auditors, Los Angeles, Ca. as an expert
in the field and teaches attorneys his techniques at fighting
wrongful foreclosure actions. Mr. Bernstein is one of the
country’s foremost experts on the extended right to cancel
through rescission , bankruptcy techniques in filing Proof of
Claims in Chap. 13 BK cases, and overall stopping foreclosure.
Mr. Bernstein can be seen on Youtube by typing in Steven
Bernstein, Stop Foreclosure, Atlanta.
Foreclosure Defense, LLC maintains a legal team of qualified
attorneys, researchers, paralegals, process servers, expert
witnesses, forensic auditors, and can help homeowners in all 50
states. On modifications, Foreclosure Defense, LLC uses a
sophisticated software program which utilizes the same software
( Imminent Default Index- IDI) that the banks and servicers use
in qualifying homeowners for modifications. Foreclosure Defense,
LLC advises homeowners to use a professional to help prepare
their modification packages as it is very easy to make mistakes
in one’s calculations of expenses or income that could result in
being turned down. The banks and servicers tend to pay more
attention to loan modification packages prepared on attorney’s
letterheads and are professionally prepared !!!!!
Testimonials Click Here
He never
missed a payment, but the bank still foreclosed on his home
Homeowners say they're being preyed upon by mortgage industry
On the legal side, Foreclosure Defense, LLC has a successful
model and track record of restructuring loans through litigation
and mediation. Foreclosure Defense understands the
securitization process and utilizes Bloomberg forensic audits
which show screenshots of the actual trusts , loan details,
title searches to document “robo signed” or fraudulent
assignments as evidence of wrongdoing by wall street . Many
times these faulty assignments can result in break in the chain
of title and can stop a foreclosure sale.
Foreclosure Defense, LLC has a team of four attorneys in New
York which are capable of litigating against wall street at the
source of the problem. Many of our legal cases are filed in the
Southern District of New York which is where the largest cases
and damages have been settled against the nation’s largest
banks. Very often the threat of a long, expensive, lawsuit in
New York puts pressure on the servicer or bank to modify a
homeowners loan. In many instances where a homeowner has been in
their home over 3 years past due on the mortgage the lender
automatically denies the modification. Litigation is the only
alternative to save the home.
Testimonials Click Here
Foreclosure Defense LLC.
9478 Boca River Circle
Boca Raton FL 33434
Email Us at